Wellness & sustainability in yachting Blog
A collection of thought-pieces and expert commentary by Paolo Bonaveri (IT) and Matt Morley (ENG) exploring the intersection of yachts, sustainability and wellness.
In my business life I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Yanmar, for the Silver Arrows Marine project, and appreciate and intensively tested their products like boat owner, with two boat equipped with engine Yanmar 6LPA series, and like Marketing and Communications Director and involved in the product development of the Arrow460-Granturismo project. But also I have been had consultant for Toyota Italy and Europe, for many years, and I have had the opportunity to appreciate the way of […]
The Ferretti Group corporate case study in sustainable yachting In this article we review the content of the Ferretti Group’s sustainability report and their vision of sustainable yachting within the context of corporate responsibility. Their main concerns are materials, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions – ‘both at product and process levels’. This phrase is crucial in understanding the shift that needs to take place in conversations around sustainable yachting today; while some sustainability standards place the emphasis firmly on […]
What can yacht businesses do to promote sustainable yachting? As expert consultants in this field, we are often asked the seemingly obvious question of what the yachting industry needs to do to become more sustainable, more eco-friendly. It is all too easy in this instance to focus our attention on the outputs, or rather the products themselves – yachts. In reality, there are two sides to sustainable yachting, the yacht builders, refit yards and yacht charter brands on one side, […]