Wellness & sustainability in yachting Blog
A collection of thought-pieces and expert commentary by Paolo Bonaveri (IT) and Matt Morley (ENG) exploring the intersection of yachts, sustainability and wellness.
Seafloatech’s Vision of Sustainable Yacht Moorings Our personal passion for all things eco yacht “We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one” – J.Y.C. Jacques Yves Cousteau was a pioneer, like Albert I who founded the Musée Oceanographique de Monaco, in being a man fully engaged for the conservation of the planet and especially of the seas. It was a great honour for me to meet him, casually, at the end of the 70s. From a […]
From Sustainable Urbanism to Green Yacht Capital Increasingly the Principality of Monaco is becoming recognised not just as the world’s green yachting capital but also a leading example of sustainable urbanism, presenting a green vision based on a love of and respect for the Mediterranean area. Prince Albert II has proven time and again his commitment to environmental causes and he seems determined to improve the lives of those living in Monaco whilst promoting causes such as sustainable yachting and […]
Top 5 sustainable brands for crew uniforms on a green yacht The rise of eco materials & upcycled marine plastics Recent technological advances in organic cotton production, bamboo fibres and fabrics made of recycled ocean plastics combined with an increasing consumer awareness of the climate crisis has resulted in a boom in eco-friendly sportswear, a.k.a ‘activewear’. We believe this same high-performance gear is ideal for use as crew uniforms on a luxury green yacht and therefore advise yacht owners / […]