Wellness & sustainability in yachting Blog
A collection of thought-pieces and expert commentary by Paolo Bonaveri (IT) and Matt Morley (ENG) exploring the intersection of yachts, sustainability and wellness.
Sustainable yachting trends for 2021 Firstly, what is ‘sustainable yachting’? Let’s establish this concept upfront because we recognise there currently exists some confusion in the market about the term sustainable yachting. Currently, the vast majority of green yacht concepts have focused primarily on energy efficiency and what we might term sustainable onboard systems and the structural materials used in construction. These are without doubt fundamental building blocks of a more sustainable future for the industry and we applaud the work […]
sustainable materials such as cactus leather are ideal for eco yacht interiors and good for the planet too what are plant-based bio materials? We work with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) wood, organic cotton sheets, coconut fibre mattresses, cork decking, palm leaf wallpapers, eco-rubber flooring, corn husks wall vinyls, algae and bamboo decorative tiles, to name but a few of our preferred plant-based materials for yachts. Here we are focusing on a furniture leather made from cactus plants named Deserttex. healthy […]
A range of innovative sustainable materials made from byproducts of banana, pineapple, apple and mango production suggest nature-based solutions have a bright future. So what applications might exist for sustainable yachting? a healthy material? the problem with the mass market leather industry Creating high-end interiors for a yacht often means specifying elements of leather, such as furniture coverings, bedheads, table inlays and so on. Even yacht clients with an appreciation for sustainable yachting concepts are unlikely to understand the […]