The Earth Day 2021

Today is the Earth Day, that we consider also our day, because we are the principal actors of the good and bad actions.
This pandemic year, unfortunately he did only one good thing, if we want to find a positive side, make us love nature, more than before.
Because everyone have understood how important is the nature and the freedom. Today there are many initiatives; look at them, support them, get to know them.

On the Earth day live website you will find many activities, but we also like to introduce you to the initiatives of some large companies, such as Volkswagen.
From Chattanooga to Beijing, from Audi to Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles: with Earth Day on 22 April just around the corner, the twelve brands of the Volkswagen Group and their 660,000 employees are preparing to make a strong statement. At the #Project1Hour, they will interrupt their work for one hour to learn together about climate protection and develop concrete improvements.
The Car Industry Role: Volkswagen
The Volkswagen Group has made a clear commitment to the Paris climate agreement. The company aims to be carbon-neutral in balance sheet terms by 2050. To achieve this, Volkswagen is focusing on the electrification of its products and CO2 reduction from the supply chain to recycling.

But climate protection also depends on individual contributions. That’s why Volkswagen Group employees around the world will be stopping work for an hour on Earth Day to get further information about the world climate, determine their own carbon footprint and decide on personal climate protection measures.
Whether it’s saving energy at the workplace or at home, choosing the most climate-friendly travel option on business trips or reducing their own meat consumption – all employees can contribute to combating climate change. The concrete suggestions for climate protection at the workplace will be collected by Volkswagen Group Strategy and subsequently implemented wherever possible.
BioBlu team, is strongly committed to accelerate the transition for a more conscious life that help the planet, and for us most importantly the seas. Our work aligns with the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Good Health & Wellbeing; Affordable & Clean Energy; Responsible Consumption & Production; Climate Action and Life Below Water.
Like Volkswagen, today The Ocean Race, the world’s toughest test of a team in sport and sailing’s greatest round-the-world challenge, will collect vital data about the impact that humans are making on the ocean during its inaugural European Race.
The Ocean Race
Several teams taking part in The Ocean Race Europe this summer will carry scientific equipment on board to capture measurements of microplastics in the water and data about the impact of climate change on the seas. The Ocean Race Europe scientific data collection activity is endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which supports efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and create improved conditions for sustainable development of the ocean.
We believe, that concrete action will be taken also in the South of France, and Italian coast, to save and preserve one of the most important treasures for the sea life. Like has been done in UK. Yesterday kicks off on England’s biggest ever seagrass planting effort in Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. It’s estimated that the UK may have lost up to 92% of its seagrass. Factors including wasting disease, pollution and physical disturbance have been identified as contributing causes.
Today is the Earth Day, take some time to do something for him.
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