Hemp is back to help yacht industry to be more sustainable

The hemp fiber or better known as canapa fiber, is a natural and highly sustainable plant, that has been banned years ago because of the same family as cannabis (drug) but without hallucinogenic active ingredient.Today in many countries like Italy, the hemp it goes back to being cultivated and this is a very good news for sustainability. Hemp is used for Textile and packaging: used to make ropes, canvases, bags, rugs, accessories and clothing. Bio-fuel: hemp is ideal for the production of biomass fuels such as ethanol, the alternative fuel to petroleum. Green building: hemp, combined with lime, is a good thermal insulator.
Henry Ford, made a test in 941′ with the hemp natural fibre, and the car prototipe was christened, plastic Hemp Car.
We hope that yacht industry can rediscover the material, used in past and surely, today with the modern technology, natural material can help to have a better sustainable life on board.
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