Monthly:April 2021

Earth Day 2021

The Earth Day 2021

Today is the Earth Day, that we consider also our day, because we are the principal actors of the good and bad actions. This pandemic year, unfortunately he did only one good thing, if we want to find a positive side, make us love nature, more than before. Because everyone have understood how important is the nature and the freedom. Today there are many initiatives; look at them, support them, get to know them.   On the Earth day live […]

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boateco yachtmediterraneoThe Italian National Sea day The Italian National Sea Day it was established by a Legislative Decree 229/2017 is celebrated on 11th April. We celebrate this important day, “in an hidden mode”! Unfortunately, too many times we forget the central role of the Sea in our life, and especially the companies that developed products or activities thanks to the sea. Confindustria Nautica for the sea   In 2017, the Mediterranean sea basin produced 59.6 billion euros of gross added […]

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sustainable yachting interiors biophilic design

sustainable yachting trends of 2021

Sustainable yachting trends for 2021 Firstly, what is ‘sustainable yachting’? Let’s establish this concept upfront because we recognise there currently exists some confusion in the market about the term sustainable yachting. Currently, the vast majority of green yacht concepts have focused primarily on energy efficiency and what we might term sustainable onboard systems and the structural materials used in construction. These are without doubt fundamental building blocks of a more sustainable future for the industry and we applaud the work […]

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